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Seth B. Minkin

Known for  creating bold,  large format paintings that are as detailed as they are whimsical,  and as inspiring as they are inspired,  Minkin’s 25  year career has focused on celebrating the beauty, form and rhythm of every day objects and concepts.


"From vintage style nautical maps and motorcycles, to never ending schools of sardines, to rich, textural abstractions, his bold,  contemporary style is revered and collected by those who crave both visual sophistication and fun.

As a kid, I would draw canyon wars, create armies of stick figures, and obsessively doodle on the back of restaurant place mats.  I would often sequester myself in a room and draw for hours, filling entire waste baskets with the drawings I didn't feel made the cut, but saving those that did as examples of the endless possibilities that my creativity could afford me. 


"To this day, I feel a special sense of purpose when I'm working and I strongly believe that art is most successful when we tap into the more spontaneous, adventurous, less inhibited, nature of our youthful beginnings."

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